Objectives of Website
This website has been developed by fencers who, like most fencers, have a passionate interest in all things relating to the sport of fencing.
The essential purpose of the website is to provide a communication link to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas within the general fencing fraternity.
The site is entirely independent and is not aligned to any specific group, any club or fencing associations.
Indeed, the success of the site will be very much dependent upon the support and input of fencers generally. This will be particularly important in the case of the Forum, which is an integral part of the website.
The specific objectives of the website are:
· To provide a communication link for the benefit of (principally) the Victorian fencing community
· To promote fellowship within the general fencing community
· To facilitate and encourage the exchange of ideas and information within the fencing community
· To provide news and information of interest to fencers
· To provide (where appropriate) a vehicle for promoting Victorian fencing clubs’ activities and initiatives
· To promote and advance the interests of the Victorian fencing community and the sport of fencing generally